ISEA2020 – Recap Video

To wrap up the great ISEA2020. They are sharing their  ISEA2020 Recap Video!
Also, good news, the symposium presentations have been archived and are now available on the Symposium platform for ISEA2020 Pass Holders
Last, but not the least, the Catalogue and Presentation Proceedings are now available on ISEA2020 website!

Sue Gollifer is currently the Director of the ISEA International Headquarters. She is an artist, a Principal Lecturer in Fine Art and the Course Leader for Digital Media Arts MA and a researcher and curator at the University of Brighton, UK. She is on a number of National and International Committees, including (CAS) the Computer Arts Society, (DAM), Digital Art Museum, and (DAC) the ACM SIGGRAPH Digital Arts Community. She is currently the ACM Chair of ‘The Distinguished Artist Award for Lifetime Achievement in Digital Art’.

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