CFP ISEA2019 *update*


25th International Symposium on Electronic Art 

Asia Culture Center, Gwangju, Republic of Korea

Submissions now open 

The theme of ISEA2019, Lux Aeterna (Eternal Light), celebrates Gwangju, ‘City of Light’, home to Korea’s exceptional traditional art, culinary culture, and dynamic progression into the modern world.

This is the embodiment of the essence of Light – traversing the boundaries between harmony and chaos, conquest and challenge, nature and man, mystery and mastery, and the future and the past.

The following sub-themes lay out the paradoxical yet all-embracing nature of light in nature, science, and art with which Lux Aeterna challenges all participants.

  • Aeternitas: Eternity of the Mortal
  • Symphonia: Harmony of Noise
  • Illuminatio: Enlightenment of A.I & A.E
  • Penumbra: Inbetween

*Submission: More details on how to contribute in any of the above categories and review process, see our submission page at



Sue Gollifer is currently the Director of the ISEA International Headquarters. She is an artist, a Principal Lecturer in Fine Art and the Course Leader for Digital Media Arts MA and a researcher and curator at the University of Brighton, UK. She is on a number of National and International Committees, including (CAS) the Computer Arts Society, (DAM), Digital Art Museum, and (DAC) the ACM SIGGRAPH Digital Arts Community. She is currently the ACM Chair of ‘The Distinguished Artist Award for Lifetime Achievement in Digital Art’.

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